Butterfly Syndrome

Spring has sprung! I'm very happy that it has come. I love spring because, to me, nature is at its prime and it brings me closer to God. Whenever I step outside and feel the warmth of the sun, I feel His Love. When the flowers bloom, I smell the fragrance of Heaven. When the trees are boldly green and the sky is a deep blue, I catch a glimpse of that promised land where the Lord's children will spend eternity. When the wind blows, I feel as though my Heavenly Father has whispered, "I love you and have made this beauty for our enjoyment."

But the greatest thing of spring is to see the lovely monarch and lime colored butterflies flutter happily through the air. It reminds me of the power of God that transforms lives. A child of God has something I like to call "butterfly syndrome." Butterfly syndrome happens when 2 Corinthians 5:17 has come into effect in our lives. That verse says, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!"

Before we ever knew Christ, our life was like a bleak, cold, harsh winter. We were like a caterpillar - not pretty. Inside there was a void, and until it was filled, a beautiful life couldn't be attained.

But then, one day, we met Jesus Christ. We accepted His Love and Forgiveness and we were transformed into something wonderful. "...The new had come!" Just as the caterpillar turned into a glorious butterfly, we had become a "new creation." This came through the power of the Holy Spirit working in us. And unlike our physical bodies, as we get some age on our faith, it just gets better and better because "as the clay is in the potter's hands, we are in God's Hands." (Jeremiah 18:6) God works with us like a potter works with clay. The Lord will mold us and make us after His good will, if we only ask Him to. If we get a flaw in us, He'll work with us to get it out and make us better.

So I encourage you this day, if you don't have "butterfly syndrome," catch it, keep it, and pass it on to someone else. Remember, Jesus came that we might have life, and have it more abundantly (see John 10:10).

Prayer: Dear God, fill me with Your Love and sweet Holy Spirit. Forgive me of the sins of the old life without You and give me a new blessed life through Your Son, Jesus. Let me be in Your Hands as clay is in a potter's hands. Make me into something beautiful for You and others. Thank You for everything. In the Name of Jesus. Amen.

-Eryn Eubanks (April 19th, 2003)