A Facebook Post from Ricie Eubanks
Mom’s Facebook Post from Jacksonville, Florida - January 7th, 2022….. “Thank you for continuous prayers! They have worked. I’m still having trouble figuring out how I got here. I don’t remember much of what’s happened since February 2021. I’ve had 6 hospital stays, several lumbar punctures, numerous MRIs, and a nerve root biopsy of my lumbar spine since then. (I guess I was a frequent flyer!) I had a follow up CT of my brain this week, and my shunt is improving things for me. They saw some fluid, but they are just monitoring it. I’ve been on heavy duty anti-fungal medicine. And finally, I got some Tramadol that has helped my pain, praise God! I don’t know how I got the fungus, but after reading some of my progress notes, it looks like it may have been introduced by my cervical spine surgery. I will keep on taking anti fungal medicine for the next year. (Yay! No yeast infections, haha!) I’ll keep you posted, and thank you so much for your prayers for me. Please keep them coming!” -Ricie Eubanks