Greetings from Florida! Ricie has appointments at Mayo Clinic. She will have a CT of her brain to check on her shunt, and we will see the neurologist after that. While we’re at Mayo Clinic, we will also stop by their pharmacy and purchase more of the special medicines Mom is taking to defeat the spinal cord infection. $400+ definitely puts a dent in the wallet, but back home in Augusta, the pharmacies have not been able to get this medicine at all. So we are definitely thankful to purchase these medicines and keep Mom on her regiment. This treatment will go on for another 6-months, maybe even another year. We pray that we won’t miss a beat when it comes to this……. We are so thankful for all of the prayers you say for Mom, for the various departments & details you intercede about for us, and we are very grateful for all that you do for Mom. God has definitely used y’all to keep us going.