We hope you had a wonderful Christmas! Our holiday week was full of extra love since Ricie’s mother and brother came to visit. (You’ll see them in the photos below.)
We are on the road to Florida Mayo Clinic again already for the new year. We always appreciate your prayers for our travels and for Mom’s appointments to go well. There will be more follow-ups happening here in January. It has been 18-months that Mom has been on medicines to defeat the infection in her spinal cord, and that treatment may continue on for another 6-months. Everyone is also trying to get a better idea of when Mom’s big spine surgery could happen. We call it “big” because the neurosurgeon at Mayo Clinic speaks of the reconstruction going from her neck to her pelvis. Whoa!
Please continue to pray for God to guide our family and medical team. God’s timing, protection, peace, hope, and blessings are most perfect; and those are the things we are praying for.