Quick Ricie Update: Admitted to Mayo Hospital 03/26/2024
Some of y’all may have already heard this, but for those that didn’t…
We had safe travels to Jacksonville, FL on Monday; but we never did go to bed that night because we had to call 911 for Mom. She couldn’t stand up, and we could not pull her up. Jacksonville Fire & Rescue took her in the ambulance to the ER at Mayo Clinic. They have been doing all sorts of tests, and she has been admitted to their hospital. Her brain ventricles had enlarged, so her neurosurgeon adjusted her shunt. He wants to observe her for a while and run more tests. He said he believes it’s “a bump in the road,” but they “take her bumps very seriously.” Please keep on praying for Mom!
And thank y’all for praying for me, too. I had been up since 7:00 A.M. on Monday and didn’t sleep again until Tuesday at 10:00 P.M. I think The Lord kept me running on a lot of adrenaline and love for Mom.