Ricie Praise Report 07/22/2024
Thank you all for praying for Ricie last week as we traveled to Mayo Clinic for her medical appointments. The trip was smooth, the brain imaging showed stability, and Mom’s doctors were so happy that she is continuing to do good with her brain shunt setting. (We are oh so happy and relieved, too! Huge praises to God!)
We have been hosting our weekly Family Fold gatherings, and we celebrated Dad’s birthday this past weekend. Our hearts are full of gratitude for loving family and friends.
Thanks again for praying for us. Know that God hears you and answers. When we cross your mind, please continue to pray for us. Mom longs to get out of pain and walk again, and we are looking for the day when we will pursue that spine reconstruction surgery at Mayo Clinic to accomplish these goals. (Unless The Lord wants to do some supernatural healing, which we’re totally in favor of and He’s totally capable of!) We want God’s will and His timing; for He knows best.